Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Project 365: Week 19

Worship time often entails Joshua reading the Bible story to us now. Love these kids!

Mother's Day included a lovely soak in the tub, a chocolate cupcake, and an episode of Call the Midwife.

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Found clomping around in my kitchen on Sabbath morning: The cutest little 2 year old girlie girl in the world!

Birdies hiding in our lilac bush.

The girls found a baby bunny behind the barn, and quickly discovered the nest nearby. Emmy came running to me and I saw tears streaming down her cheeks as I grabbed the camera. "Is the baby bunny dead, Emmy?" I asked with concern. "No!", she replied between sniffles, "It's just that it's so CUTE!". 
*no bunnies were harmed in the making of this picture. The two bunnies that were held were carefully placed back in the nest, covered over with their mother's fluff, and never bothered again.

Finally have enough spring weather for some flowers to bloom!

Somewhere along the way I got messed up on my days. Someday maybe I'll go back and figure out what day I missed and what got skipped. But for now we're going to keep trucking on and pretend it never happened, mmm-kay? ;)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Project 365: Week 18

Elayna's 6th birthday!
Elayna birthday7

Oh, if she could only be outside 24/7 she would be the happiest little toddler in the world. This is the look I get when I say, "Time to go in, Babycakes! It's time for bed!".

It was bridal shower day for Colby's cousin Kyle and his gorgeous bride-to-be Kayla! The details were so lovely and everything was amazing, from the table decorations to the delicious luncheon food to the fun company!

Picnic time! We had a lovely picnic, then the two big kids walked home with me (about 2 miles) while Daddy took the little ones home.

The girls found this snake at the edge of our field. It looks so menacing with its neck puffed up like a cobra! Unlike the cobra, however, it is quite harmless. The eastern hognose snake doesn't like to bite, instead, it will strike with its mouth closed, roll over and play dead like a possum, and emit a foul odor to scare off predators! 

Oops! No picture today. :(

The adventures waiting on the horizon call her name, I think. So eager to keep up with her older siblings!

Sunday, May 05, 2013

April Roundup

Camera Roll-1100Camera Roll-1107 Spring Break! First week of April found us in Indiana, visiting cousin Levi and getting some very needed GIRL TIME for best best friend and I!




Home again - April 7

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April 9 - First warm spring rain - it was irresistible! They ran through the barnyard for hours and played in the dirt they hadn't seen since last fall!

Another snowy Saturday - the robins and tree buds kept reminding us that someday spring would come for good!


New book in the mail written by old grade school friends of mine!
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Baptism at church!
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Birthday party for Maddie!
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Camera Roll-1327Camera Roll-1315Snow - no snow. These pictures were taken on the same day, about 10 hours apart! Snowing hard in the morning, sunshiney in the afternoon!
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April 15 - Tax Day. We had to run errands to get the last of our paperwork filed and spent a happy (though expensive) lunch at Subway and stopped to take a few pictures on this foggy day of Joshua in his new "Chicks Dig Scars" shirt. 

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Not feeling very well!
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April 18 - we were able to meet up with a local homeschool group for a special tour of the Music House Museum, where the kids all got to experiment with many different kinds of instruments, including the tuba, trombone, violin, an organ grinder, and homemade sound machines such as a slinky with a foam plate, which amazingly makes the sound of Star Wars lasers! They also got to watch a silent movie - a slapstick comedy with pie throwing and accompanied by the grand organ in the top of the barn that houses the museum. It was a memorable field trip!

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April 20 - Sabbath again, and snowy again. The snow came down hard all morning, until the ground was covered well. And then the sun broke through the clouds and by nightfall the snow seemed like a strange dream.

Sabbath morning snuggle with Daddy.
First bloom, first wasps, and first Star Wars lego creations!

At the Trout Festival the kids got to feed the goats and calf. The big kids all wanted to do the big bounce and so Evie rode the baby train a couple of times. They were all going at the same time, so I had my camera pointed every which way trying to capture it all at once!


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Twert turns 12 soon - and I know he won't be here with us forever. What a faithful little companion he is! I couldn't help but get a bit teary eyed as I edited these pictures!


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