Worship time often entails Joshua reading the Bible story to us now. Love these kids!
Mother's Day included a lovely soak in the tub, a chocolate cupcake, and an episode of Call the Midwife.
Found clomping around in my kitchen on Sabbath morning: The cutest little 2 year old girlie girl in the world!
Birdies hiding in our lilac bush.
The girls found a baby bunny behind the barn, and quickly discovered the nest nearby. Emmy came running to me and I saw tears streaming down her cheeks as I grabbed the camera. "Is the baby bunny dead, Emmy?" I asked with concern. "No!", she replied between sniffles, "It's just that it's so CUTE!".
*no bunnies were harmed in the making of this picture. The two bunnies that were held were carefully placed back in the nest, covered over with their mother's fluff, and never bothered again.
Finally have enough spring weather for some flowers to bloom!
Somewhere along the way I got messed up on my days. Someday maybe I'll go back and figure out what day I missed and what got skipped. But for now we're going to keep trucking on and pretend it never happened, mmm-kay? ;)