Tuesday, February 19, 2013

365 Project: Week 7

Feb. 18: Monday School Day
Elayna finds spelling practice to be much more fun when Dr. Seuss gets involved! And who wouldn't?!

Feb. 17: Sunday Afternoon.
A lazy Sunday afternoon playing Review & Herald's Birds game. Birds are the favorite right now, though it often competes with Animals. You'd think with three girls in the family Flowers might gain popularity, but like every other girl in the history of time with a big brother she adores, Emmy follows Joshua's lead in pretty much everything. When I was a kid it was all about Birds or (what a surprise) TREES.

Feb. 16: Sabbath: Weather
The flash captures the intensity and determination of the snowflakes as they bury the ground deeper in a winter white blanket.

Feb. 16: Sabbath: Weather
Snow falling as hard as an April rain.

Feb 16: Sabbath 2: Music
And then the music changed from light and flowing to intense and dark (still instrumental orchestra), gripping her in a sense of worry, still captivating every drop of her soul. It was amazing to witness.

Feb. 16:  Sabbath 1: Music
Emmy on Sabbath morning, waiting for everyone else to get ready for church, she fell into this quiet reverie listening to the orchestra music playing on the radio in the living room.

Feb. 15:  The Corner
In a corner of the living room, across from the cozy wood stove, below the rooms where children sleep, inside four walls that kept out a biting wind and a building snow storm, near the man whose hands have been frostbitten, calloused by hard work, held babies with tender care, and folded me close to him in love.

Feb. 14:  Valentine's Day!

Feb. 13:  Library Time 3:
Baby bird PUPPETS?! To whomever invented this one: Emmy thanks you!
Feb 13take3

Feb. 13:  Library Time 2:
There was a little girl who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead;
When she was good, she was very, very good,
And she she was bad....
She had her T-Rex eat the edge of the puppet box!
Feb 13take2

Feb. 13:   Library Time 1:
Evelyn Claire LOVES Curious George. George is her friend. We checked a few out for her and read this one for a bedtime story. The other three children slowly trickled in and sat around me on her bed, listening and laughing at George's antics.
Feb 13

Feb. 12:
Naptime drama. Just shy of 2 1/2 years old. Fiercely independent. Self-regulated. Articulate. A lot like her big brother and almost as determined to never be the baby of the family. Except when it works in her favor. Or when she gets in trouble for smashing her cousin Levi's LEGO ship. "Hey! I just the baby!"

Feb. 12:
Three random facts:  Elayna Marie is 5 years 9 months. She is my mini-me in just about every way possible except she has curly hair instead of my stick-straight hair. For the longest time she called toilet paper "paper toilet" or "paper towel".
Feb 12

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