Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Project 365: Week 1

This year I'm going to attempt to complete a Project 365 - which is just a fancy way of saying that I'm going to document our life by taking one picture a day. So far, in week one, I've taken at least a hundred pictures and managed to whittle it down to my "one" a day with much difficulty. And that's after deciding to start this project on the THIRD of January. Or was it the fourth? Yes, it must have been the fourth. Anyway, without further ado, here is week one of my "Project 365: Our Life: A Study in Black and White". Perhaps I should come up with a somewhat less pretentious title for this before we all get sick of it.

In reverse order so it makes more sense to me when I scroll down through several posts.

January 7: Praying over his Cheerios.

January 6: An afternoon of sledding behind the barn before Winter Break finally ends.

January 5, Someone was caught snitching a piece of carrot cake!

January 2: Saying Goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa Allen.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

You such a gift capturing those moments Lisa. Do you have a black and white setting on your camera or do you photo shop it?


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