Thursday, January 25, 2007

What Emmy thinks of being sick! Jan. 15, 2007. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Colby, Tucker, and Bobbi Jo. Finally got them in the house and dried off and settled down enough to get a good picture! Tucker is pretty much fully grown now, he's stout, fast, and has springs for legs. He and Josh will finally get the chance to run and play and wear each other out this spring! Jan 12, 2007. Posted by Picasa
Brushing his teeth - what a big boy! January 6, 2007. Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 05, 2007

And here is the Family Portrait, Christmas 2006! Posted by Picasa
This is one of my favorite pictures from this Christmas: Jali wearing her princess dress and using her new vaccuum cleaner (which really picks up dirt, go figure!) her two favorite Christmas gifts! Now she really is Cinderella! Dec. 24, 2006. Posted by Picasa
Oh, yeah, this is good stuff! Jan. 3, 2007. Posted by Picasa
Emmy is enjoying her toast! Jan. 3, 2006. Posted by Picasa
Our fat cat is glad we're home! Jan 1, 2007. Posted by Picasa
The snowman was starting to look skinny by Christmas night. Posted by Picasa
Emmy slept through all the fun stuff Christmas Eve, so she opened her gifts bright and early Christmas morning! Dec. 25, 2006. Posted by Picasa
Papa was teaching Toad how to fly his little rubber band plane at the gym, Dec. 24, 2006. Posted by Picasa
Emmy likes wearing her Daddy's hat! Dec. 24, 2006. Posted by Picasa
Scott was very happy with his new Cars outfit. Dec. 24, 2006. Posted by Picasa
Mike holding Lissette and Emmy, Dec. 23, 2006. Posted by Picasa
Sabbath afternoon guitar lessons! Dec. 23, 2006. Posted by Picasa
Emmy and Josh at Sabbath School in White Salmon, Dec. 23, 2006. Posted by Picasa
The cousins' table at the Friday evening meal, L-R: Jali, Josh, and Scott. Dec. 22, 2006. Posted by Picasa
Our Friday evening meal, chicken-style, mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, and bread with butter. L-R: Me, Colby, Jake, Papa, Mike holding Lissette, April, and Lisa's brother Tom. Dec. 22, 2006. Posted by Picasa
Emmy was our reliable early-morning wake up call, completely unaware of the three-hour time difference! Me, Papa, and Emmy, December 20-something, 2006. Posted by Picasa
In the tunnel at McDonald's, trying to follow the cousins up to the top of the tower! Dec. 20, 2006. Posted by Picasa
"Oh, if you only knew what was in my diaper!" Dec. 20, 2006. Posted by Picasa
Jali shares her dolly with Emmy. Dec. 20, 2006. Posted by Picasa


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